The website for the NSW Paediatric Palliative Care Programme is temporarily unavailable, and a relocation site is being developed.

SCHN Palliative Care

If you're a health professional seeking to refer a patient to one of the SCHN Palliative Care Services at either The Children’s Hospital at Westmead or Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick, please make a digital referral. You can find more information on this link.

Please also contact the Palliative Care Service via the CHW/SCH hospital switchboard (details below) once the referral submission has been made. 

John Hunter Children’s Hospital (JHCH), Newcastle Palliative Care Service

If you are a health professional and would like to refer a patient to the Palliative Care Service at JHCH, please contact and provide a written referral to:

NSW Paediatric Palliative Care Programme After Hours Medical Advisory for Health Professionals

For admitted patients:  Approval from the managing consultant is required prior to contacting the PPC AH Advisory Service/Contact should be made by a medical officer.

For community setting: Any health professional can contact the A/H Advisory Service

Contact any of the hospital switchboards to be transferred to the PPC Medical Telephone Advisory Service:

  • Sydney Children’s Hospital (SCH) 02 9382 1111
  • Children’s Hospital Westmead (CHW) 02 9845 0000
  • John Hunter Children’s Hospital (JHCH) 02 4921 3000

The Last Days of Life Toolkit: Paediatric & Neonatal

If you would like information about the Last Days of Life Toolkit: Paediatric and Neonatal, please contact: